side hustle

Do you wake up feeling excited or struggle to find motivation in the morning?


This blog delves into key observations about starting a business without quitting your day job, offering insights on how to find fulfillment and success in balancing both.


Discovering your perfect business idea involves exploring your passions and talents.Imagine an aspiring entrepreneur who, through unexpected interactions, discovers the power of personal obsessions in business. 


Your primary job can be a stepping stone to your side hustle. Consider the stories of two entrepreneurs: one leverages her evening job at a coffee shop, where she accesses roasting equipment to hone her skills and test coffee blends, complementing her day job in marketing. The other uses a rideshare driving gig to conduct customer research for his corporate retreat business. Both use their side jobs to gain practical experience and insights for their entrepreneurial ventures.


The key is to adopt an intern’s mindset and explore your passions. For example, one individual combines their love for outdoor activities with management consulting skills, seeking new clients in that industry. Another, a lawyer by day, pursues a passion for antique maps, organizing exclusive events to showcase and potentially sell these items.


These examples illustrate how you can use your current job or a side hustle as a training ground for your entrepreneurial dreams. The approach you choose, whether integrating your venture with your existing job or starting a side project, requires taking proactive steps towards your entrepreneurial goals.


Test and adjust big ideas with the tiniest moves


In the entrepreneurial world, even small steps can lead to significant adjustments of big ideas. This concept is exemplified through a story of a group of entrepreneurs, all of whom start small but think big. For instance, a store manager with a passion for technology and sci-fi, along with his wife’s theater background, create a virtual reality escape room in their garage. Initially, they dreamed of a more elaborate setup, but the high costs and time commitment led them to scale down. This garage venture, a minimal investment, quickly became a hit.


The key takeaway is the importance of starting small and observing market responses. This approach allows for flexibility and learning, leading to unexpected opportunities. As the entrepreneurs’ experience shows, even a modest beginning can evolve into something more lucrative, like pivoting to consulting, which offers more income and flexibility. The story highlights the value of taking initial steps to make an idea a reality, and how these steps can be a catalyst for growth and adaptation.


Stay committed to your core mission while being adaptable in your approach


A pivot can be crucial for starting and advancing your business vision.


Consider the case of an entrepreneur who initially planned to create an educational platform for tech skills. After realizing the high demand for coding in small businesses, she narrowed her focus to providing coding workshops for local entrepreneurs. This specific approach led to a successful series of workshops and strong community ties, eventually allowing her to transition fully to her passion project.


Similarly, another entrepreneur, passionate about sustainable living, started a small eco-friendly products shop online. As he networked in environmental circles, he eventually partnered with a like-minded individual to expand into a larger e-commerce platform focusing on zero-waste products. While his partner managed the business end, he enjoyed developing and sourcing new products.


These examples underline the importance of aligning your business with your passions and being willing to adapt your approach. Success often comes from a blend of dedication to your core interests and flexibility in how you bring your ideas to life.




Starting a business doesn’t require a fully formed idea or leaving your current job. In fact, your employment can aid in launching your venture. If you’re unsure about the ideal business idea, begin by exploring your own interests and skills. Let these passions guide your vision. From there, you can experiment and refine how you bring this vision to fruition. The essence of successful entrepreneurship lies in being adaptable and flexible, while staying true to your core mission.

Inspired by a book “Third shift entrepreneur”; Todd Connor

3 minutes read

Discover how to start your ideal business without leaving your current employment

Key insights on starting a business without quitting your day job.