
Key Lessons:

  • Foregoing intricate business plans.
  • Leveraging your network for financial success.
  • Tackling imposter syndrome.


Starting a business is often a chaotic and unpredictable journey. An entrepreneur once meticulously planned a launch event, only to face the disappointment of no attendees showing up. Despite this initial failure, they didn’t give up. They continued to host events, and their persistence paid off when people finally began to show up, leading to the growth of their community and professional opportunities.


This story isn’t unique; many entrepreneurs face similar hurdles. For instance, a tech start-up founder might spend months developing a product, only to find little initial market interest. Or a freelance graphic designer might struggle to find clients in the early stages of setting up their business. However, just like our entrepreneur, they learn from these setbacks, adapt their strategies, and eventually find success.


Entrepreneurship requires resilience and adaptability, as initial plans may not always work out. It’s about testing ideas, learning from failures, and persisting through challenges. As you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, reflect on your goals and the resources you need. Remember, a clear vision and the willingness to adapt are crucial to getting started. Welcome to the unpredictable yet rewarding world of entrepreneurship!


Maintaining a clear but flexible vision is key in entrepreneurship. 


Contrary to traditional business school teachings, a detailed business plan isn’t always necessary to start. Instead, focus on a simple, four-step method to refine your idea.


First, identify the problem you want to solve and understand its nuances. Then, brainstorm solutions, emphasizing quantity over quality, and select the best ideas. Next, create a concise business plan using tools like Lean Canvas to outline key elements like your unique value proposition. Finally, evaluate your solution with fresh eyes to determine its viability.


Remember, entrepreneurship is about persuading people to invest in your offer, so knowing your target audience is crucial. Develop a customer persona by sketching out details like demographics, pains, and motivations. Be open to the idea that your initial target customer might evolve as your business grows.


This journey involves a lot of consideration and can be both challenging and exciting. Give yourself credit for making progress, and remember, your business idea and customer understanding will likely evolve over time.


Building a robust social media presence is essential for modern businesses. 


Establishing and maintaining this presence can be challenging, but it’s vital for success. For instance, a business might struggle initially with their social media strategy, possibly facing setbacks like low engagement or even account issues. However, applying key lessons can turn this around.


These lessons include creating a clear brand narrative, effectively communicating how your business solves customer problems, and setting specific success metrics like post engagement. Planning your content strategy is also crucial. Allocating time each week to organize themes and formats for posts, automating posting, and actively engaging with followers can enhance your social media impact.


Your personal brand on platforms like LinkedIn is equally important. It helps establish you as a leader, attracting opportunities and growing your business. To optimize your LinkedIn profile, focus on a clear vision statement, a detailed mission statement, and principle statements or hashtags that define your identity and expertise.


Remember, building a strong social media and personal brand presence takes time and consistent effort, but it’s a powerful tool for long-term business growth and opportunity.


Leveraging your network can significantly increase your business’s value. 


It’s reported that a large percentage of job opportunities are filled through personal and professional connections, highlighting the importance of networking.


The people closest to you can greatly influence your mindset and opportunities. Reflect on your immediate circle and consider if they support your goals and can open doors for you. Even if you’re not naturally inclined toward networking, adopting a positive mindset can make a big difference. Remember, networking is about thinking, “What have I got to lose?” rather than focusing on discomfort.


Setting clear goals for networking can make your efforts more effective. Entering conversations with a specific agenda helps in making precise pitches and following up effectively.


To expand your network, utilize social media. Follow relevant hashtags, connect with inspiring entrepreneurs, and engage with their content. Regularly catch up with your top connections, offering help and adding their details to a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to transform conversations into business opportunities. This proactive approach to networking can greatly enhance your business’s prospects.



Success in entrepreneurship doesn’t require being a prodigy or having a privileged background. What’s essential is a firm understanding of the basics and a readiness to embrace opportunities, even when they feel challenging. A practical business plan, effective use of social media, a strong online presence, and attention to mental health are key components to pave your way to success in the business world.

Inspired by a book “Unprepared to Entrepreneur”; Sonya Barlow

3 minutes read

From Unready to Unstoppable: An Entrepreneur's Journey

Starting a business is often a chaotic and unpredictable journey.