Delegating tasks

Discover the secret to unlocking your business’s full potential. We’re talking about a common challenge many business owners face: the struggle to loosen the reins and let their company thrive independently. Are you the type of founder who’s always hands-on, or do you know someone like that? It’s time to address this issue.


Think of it like this: you birthed your business, nurtured it, and watched it grow. Now, it’s time to let it take its own steps. Trust us, it’s for the best. We’ll share some valuable insights on how to make this transition. The key is making yourself replaceable, but don’t panic – it doesn’t mean you have to walk away. It means setting up your business to operate smoothly without your constant involvement. This way, you can focus on what truly matters – steering your company’s vision and shaping its future.


The CEO’s Dilemma: Controlling vs. Delegating

Many founders believe they must control every aspect of their business, like a puppet master pulling every string. However, this mindset can often harm the company. Instead, founders should see themselves as initiators, setting the stage like arranging dominos. The key is to ensure everything is well-organized. Once the first domino falls, things should run smoothly.


The main idea is to make yourself replaceable by establishing the right company structures. A founder’s role isn’t to dive into all the nitty-gritty details, like creating a CRM system or social media strategy. Rather, it’s about finding the right people to handle these tasks. Build an organizational structure and empower your team to excel without your constant involvement.


Consider the example of CEO Malte Holm, who was inundated with minor issues. Employees constantly sought his help, leaving him overwhelmed. To address this, he looked at the HR department and discovered a significant issue – the HR manager spent hours stuck in traffic daily. Holm stepped in to create an effective home office with high-speed internet, making her job easier.


This not only improved her life but also reduced the fires Holm had to put out, allowing him to focus on more critical work. The lesson is clear: founders should create systems and structures that enable them to step back from daily operational tasks, making the company more efficient and themselves more replaceable.


Clear tasks and responsibilities

When you begin a new project, things often go well and everyone’s excited. But sometimes, the project suddenly stops, and people are unsure about what went wrong and what to do next. This usually happens because the tasks and responsibilities aren’t clear.


The main idea here is to figure out what needs to be done and who should do it. To ensure smooth project management, there are helpful practices for leaders and founders. First, break down every project into clear, small tasks. This makes it easier to understand how to go from start to finish. It also keeps people motivated because they see progress with each completed step.


This principle works for personal projects too. If you have a daunting task, like writing an 850-word article in three hours, break it into smaller steps. When managing a group project, after breaking tasks into smaller pieces, assign them and ensure everyone knows who’s responsible for each task. This is where the RACI framework comes in:


  • Responsible: This is usually the person in charge, like the CEO or founder, who gives the project the green light.
  • Accountable: This person tracks the project’s progress, ensures everyone is working, and keeps the higher-ups informed.
  • Consulted: When specialized advice or skills are needed, this person is consulted.
  • Informed: These are individuals or parties who need to be kept up to date on the project.


When everyone understands their tasks and reporting structure, issues can be quickly identified and resolved, and the team can focus on moving forward.


How to effectively delegate in six levels

If you’re a busy founder and feeling overwhelmed with work, it’s a sign that you need to delegate tasks to others. Delegation is a crucial aspect of good leadership. To do this effectively, you should identify tasks you’re not good at or passionate about and assign them to someone else. For example, if you’re not good at accounting, find someone who is.


To make delegation easier, you can use a system called the “six levels of delegation.”


Level 1: Simple tasks like buying a book can be delegated with a direct order.


Level 2: Slightly more complex tasks, such as booking a specific flight, involve asking someone to do research and provide a summary.


Level 3: Delegation at this level includes research and advice, like finding the top real estate agents in a city.


Level 4: You delegate even more, perhaps having someone with expertise start the process of purchasing a property but keeping you informed.


Level 5: Delegation at this level involves giving decision-making authority with some limits. For instance, someone can buy a property as long as it meets certain criteria.


Level 6: At this highest level, you grant full authority for someone to handle a task as they see fit.


Choosing which tasks to delegate and to whom can be challenging. These levels help match the right task to the right person. The most challenging part is delegating the high-level authority of levels five and six.


What to look for in potential employees

When you’re hiring people for your team, it’s important to focus on a few key things. First, pay attention to the specific skills they bring to the table. Don’t get caught up in thinking about their age, gender, or background; instead, concentrate on the skills they have that match the job.


But it’s not just about skills. Personality matters too. You’ll be working closely with this person, so it’s important that they have a good personality. Look for qualities like being proactive, paying attention to details, and problem-solving abilities. You can often assess these traits during a trial period.


For example, if you need a writer, don’t just look at their past work, but also see how they handle a quick writing assignment. Can they fix a poorly written article on the spot? These qualities are valuable in various situations and can make someone a great addition to your team.


In summary, when hiring, focus on skills, personality, and problem-solving abilities to increase your chances of finding excellent employees. Don’t be distracted by irrelevant factors, and look for those who can not only do the job but also work well with others and tackle unexpected challenges.


Simple steps for email management

Simplify your email management for a clutter-free inbox and more creativity. Start with filters. Create one to sort emails with “unsubscribe” into a separate folder, reducing inbox clutter without deleting them. You can check these later when you have time.


Next, follow the “Do, Delete, or Defer” rule. When you get an email, decide quickly:


“Do” – Act on it immediately if it takes 5 minutes or less, like updating your computer settings.

“Delete” – Get rid of unnecessary emails, like one-word thank-yous or task updates.

“Defer” – For emails that need more time or rely on others.

By simplifying your email management, you save mental energy and time, making it easier to focus on generating new ideas and moving your business forward.


Building a loyal customer base

To attract and keep customers, it’s important to make every interaction with them smooth and offer them something valuable for free. Even the best content won’t help if you don’t have a loyal customer base.


Here’s how to do it:


  1. Analyze Your Customer Interactions: Take a close look at all the ways your business connects with customers, like your website, social media, and customer service. Identify areas where you can make improvements.
  2. Categorize Customer Interactions: Divide these connections into three phases: Before, During, and After the sale.
  3. Use Lead Magnets: Offer something valuable for free to pique customer interest. These “lead magnets” should be related to what your customers are interested in, such as a free sample of your product, the first chapters of a book, or a portion of an online course. This helps build their interest and trust.
  4. Automation and Delegation: Delegate tasks like creating and delivering lead magnets, so you can focus on new ideas or even starting another business.


By making each interaction with your customers better and offering them something they value for free, you can build a loyal customer base and free up your time for new ventures.

In the bigger picture, founders are vital in any company. However, they don’t have to handle every single task on a daily basis. In fact, trying to do everything alone can lead to burnout. In the end, your main responsibility is to create an organization that can operate smoothly by itself, so you can have more time to pursue new ideas and lead the way forward.

Inspired by a book “The Replaceable Founder”; Ari Meisel”


6 minutes read

How to Avoid Standing in Your Own Way

Unlock your business's full potential by learning how to transition from a hands-on founder to a leader who lets their company thrive independently.