Starting a company

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business but hesitated due to the daunting prospect of significant time and resources required? Founding a successful venture has never been more accessible than it is today. Contrary to common belief, you need far less than you think to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey and make it thrive. The key lies in starting small and focusing on the core of your business.


In this blog, we’ll explore how you can take your entrepreneurial aspirations from concept to reality without sacrificing countless hours of work. The mantra is simple: “launch as soon as the core of your business is ready.” By testing the waters, leveraging existing resources, and staying focused on the essentials, you can turn your idea into a functional business.


Starting your business journey

If you’ve ever dreamed of launching your own business, now is the perfect time to make it happen. You don’t need a massive amount of time or resources to get started.


The key is to begin small and test the waters. Instead of quitting your current job and working endless hours, start by dedicating a few hours each week to develop your business idea. You don’t have to take on overwhelming debt either; use the facilities and equipment you already have or can afford without putting yourself in financial jeopardy. 


In fact, all you really need to start is a laptop and a solid idea. Focus your efforts on building the core of your business, the essential foundation that will make your venture functional. Just like how hotdogs are the heart of a hotdog cart business, your core should be something you believe will remain stable over time. Take inspiration from companies like Amazon, whose core principles of fast shipping, affordable prices, and great selection have stood the test of time.


Once your core is in place, don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Launch your business right away, even if some details are still being worked out. For instance, when 37signals introduced their Basecamp product, they couldn’t even bill customers initially. However, they jumped right in, confident that they could fix any issues within the first month’s billing cycle.


Remember, you need less than you think to start your own company. So, don’t hesitate—launch your business as soon as the core is ready and learn and adapt along the way. The journey of entrepreneurship begins with taking that first step!


The value of meaningful entrepreneurship

Running a successful company requires a strong sense of urgency and dedication. The key to achieving this is by doing something that truly matters to you. Choose a path that fills you with pride and a sense of purpose.


Some people start businesses with the sole intention of selling them later, which is like entering a relationship with the plan to break up – it doesn’t make sense. Building a business should be driven by commitment and passion, not just the desire to sell out.


Taking a stand for something important to you can also attract loyal followers and fans. Look at Vinnie’s Sub Shop in Chicago, for example. They stop selling sandwiches in the afternoon because they value the freshness of their products more than extra income. Their customers appreciate this commitment.


To emphasize your stand, consider positioning yourself against a competitor. For instance, if you run a small coffee house, position yourself as the anti-Starbucks, appealing to individualists. Having an enemy gives you a clear identity and a compelling story to share.


But don’t let competitors dictate your strategy. Instead of obsessing over what they’re doing, focus on your unique vision and strengths. Be true to yourself and your values.


So, choose a path that matters to you, take a stand, and let your passion and commitment drive your success.


How to make your product irresistible

To protect your business from competitors trying to copy it, focus on making your product or service truly unique and special. For example, you can infuse your product with something that reflects your personality or values. Just like Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh made exceptional customer service the heart of his company, which sets them apart from others selling similar shoes.


Discovering your passion can help create a product that you love using yourself. Take the example of Bill Bowerman, who crafted lighter running shoes for his team by pouring rubber into a waffle iron, giving birth to the famous Nike waffle sole.


The key is to exceed customer expectations with simplicity and user-friendliness. When people enjoy your product even more than anticipated, they’ll spread the word to their friends, creating a positive buzz.


Consider giving people a taste of your product for free, like a sample, as it increases the chances of them returning for more.


Once you have a unique and appealing product, share your knowledge openly. You can teach others through guides, courses, and videos, gaining a competitive edge by being open about what you’ve learned. Unlike many secretive companies, this transparent approach can help promote your business and establish you as an authority in your field.


In summary, by creating an exceptional product, staying true to your values, and openly sharing your knowledge, you can make your business stand out and succeed in the long run.


The hidden strengths of small businesses

Enjoy the advantages of being a small business, but always remember that you are still running a business. Many small start-ups dream of becoming huge and famous, but being big isn’t always better. Look at top schools like Harvard and Cambridge – they don’t try to expand everywhere and educate thousands of people every year. They are content with their size, and you should be too.


Being small has its perks. It allows you to try out new ideas without everyone noticing if something goes wrong. Just like how Broadway shows are tested in smaller cities before hitting New York, you can use your initial obscurity to experiment with different approaches.


Having a small team keeps everyone close to the customers. This direct interaction helps you understand their needs and feedback better. In contrast, big companies with complex hierarchies might struggle to stay connected with their customers and respond quickly to their problems.


But don’t be fooled by being small. You are running a business, not a hobby. Some start-ups spend investors’ money without thinking about making a profit, but that’s not the way to build a successful business. Always have a clear plan for profitability right from the beginning.


In summary, cherish the benefits of being small, but never lose sight of the fact that you are in the business world. Stay focused on your goals and strive to build a thriving and profitable business.


Making the most of fewer features

To achieve greatness with your product or service, remember that “less is more.” Just like Chef Gordon Ramsay trims down menus on his TV show, Kitchen Nightmares, you should cut unnecessary features from your product when facing challenges.


Embrace limitations and focus on what truly matters. Ernest Hemingway’s simple yet powerful writing won him a Nobel Prize in literature. Similarly, a great product doesn’t need an abundance of features; it needs to excel at what it does best.


When your competitors offer a feature-packed product, resist the urge to copy them. Instead, stand out by offering a simpler and more user-friendly version. Like a well-curated art gallery, showcase only the best elements of your product.


Simplifying your product is challenging, especially when you have more customers and constant requests for new features. However, don’t immediately cater to every request. Saying no is essential to keep your product focused and prevent it from becoming unrecognizable.


If a customer’s idea is genuinely valuable, it will come up repeatedly, and you can address it later. So, start saying no and keep your product lean to achieve greatness.


Embrace transparency and honesty

Avoid copying big corporations’ marketing and communication styles. Instead, be genuine, approachable, and adaptable. Embrace the fact that your small size allows you to communicate openly and honestly, unlike large companies that often use confusing jargon. Rather than boasting about “transparency being a cornerstone of your communications strategy,” simply state that you are honest.


Instead of spending a fortune on advertising and active marketing, focus on building a loyal audience by sharing valuable information. This will naturally draw customers back to you without the need for expensive campaigns.


In a small organization, marketing is a shared responsibility. Every interaction, whether through email, phone calls, blog posts, or social media, is a chance to connect with customers. You can even provide them with a behind-the-scenes look at your company to build a stronger connection.


When seeking press coverage, target niche media outlets instead of going for mass exposure. A well-targeted article in a smaller magazine or blog can generate more meaningful traffic and sales. This approach also allows you to personalize your outreach to journalists, rather than sending generic press releases.


Remember, your relationship with customers may encounter challenges, and being straightforward means being honest about your shortcomings. Don’t hide problems or use empty corporate apologies. Instead, address issues sincerely, just as you would like to be treated as a customer.


In summary, be true to your unique identity and embrace open, personal, and flexible communication in your marketing efforts.


Building an honest and productive team environment

To make things easy and productive, treat your team like capable individuals, not children. If you micromanage them, they’ll lose their initiative and won’t achieve much. Instead, give them trust, responsibility, and autonomy.


Open and direct communication is vital in a good environment. Avoid complex jargon and abstract explanations. Be real and show your team exactly what you mean by visiting the actual problem sites.


Be honest in your criticism. Encourage your team members to freely discuss ideas, even if they seem critical. Constructive criticism helps everyone grow.


When communicating within the team, avoid using harsh words like “need,” “must,” “only,” and “can’t.” These words judge and limit others, hindering open discussions.


Also, refrain from using “ASAP” frequently. Overusing it diminishes the importance of other requests. Encourage prioritization instead.


Overall, create a culture of self-management and honest communication, and watch your team thrive.


Leveraging quick decision-making

As a small company, you have a special advantage over bigger competitors. You can make fast decisions without getting stuck in complex processes. Instead of spending too much time thinking about things, be decisive and say, “Let’s make a decision.” Don’t aim for perfection; focus on reaching a good enough solution quickly and keep moving forward.


Avoid excessive analysis and planning because it’s often just guessing, especially if you can’t predict the future. Rigidly following a plan may limit your ability to adapt, which can be risky.


Instead, be spontaneous and make decisions in the moment. Consider what’s relevant now, rather than worrying about distant future scenarios. It’s better to make smaller, reversible choices that suit the current situation rather than huge, life-changing ones with uncertain long-term consequences.


When estimating costs or timelines, break them down into smaller chunks, like weeks instead of years. This way, any mistakes will have a smaller impact.


Lastly, don’t be afraid of potential problems that might arise from your decisions. Most of the time, these worries never materialize. Deal with challenges as they come, and focus on staying agile with quick and flexible choices.


How to stay productive and balanced

Productivity isn’t about working long hours; instead, it comes from staying focused and achieving small victories quickly. The most effective workers have a life outside of work and make an effort to leave on time. In contrast, those who constantly work late may harm overall productivity by making others feel guilty and less motivated.


To maintain high productivity, it’s essential to minimize interruptions that break concentration. Designate specific times for uninterrupted work within your team.


Meetings can be a major productivity killer, as they often lack clear goals and agendas, leading to more talk than action. While some meetings are necessary, keep them focused and purposeful.


Perfectionism is another enemy of productivity. Spending too much time on complex problems searching for perfect solutions can waste weeks of effort. Instead, opt for solutions that are effective and achievable with minimal effort. “Good enough” often suffices.


Breaking large tasks into smaller chunks and creating to-do lists can make projects more manageable. Celebrate each small milestone reached along the way to sustain motivation and momentum.


Remember, productivity doesn’t come from long hours, but from staying focused and achieving quick wins.


Productive team environment


Trusting instincts over resumes

Only hire people when you really need them to solve a big problem in your company. Keeping a small team will make you more efficient and encourage better practices. Don’t rush into hiring just because you find someone great; it could lead to unnecessary frustration and extra work.


Don’t worry about missing out on great hires because you can find excellent talent from all over the world online. So, the location of your employees doesn’t matter much.


When you do hire, don’t rely solely on resumes, grades, or experience. Instead, trust your instincts and focus on what they’ve learned from their past experiences.


To see how well a candidate performs, give them a small project to work on. This will show you their abilities in action, which is better than just talking to them in an interview. If possible, hire people for roles that you’ve done yourself to make it easier to manage them later on.


In conclusion, in today’s business landscape, starting and running a company has become more accessible than ever before. However, to achieve true success, it is crucial to infuse your product with a touch of uniqueness that sets it apart from the rest. Embracing the advantages of being a smaller company can also prove beneficial in creating a successful venture. A key factor in fostering this success lies in cultivating a great working environment, where trust, independence, and focus are emphasized, empowering your team to thrive and drive the company forward. By following these principles, you pave the way for a brighter and more promising future for your business.

Inspired by a book “ReWorkl”; Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

9 minutes read

How to Start Your Company on a Strong Foundation

Turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality by starting small, leveraging existing resources, and focusing on the core of your business.